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***** Pop Music *****

Summer 2024 Instrumental

01-Vampire Vlad V
03-Sofia my Sunday Date Instrumental
05-In the Lorn Tree Instrumental
07-I am such a fool Instrumental
08-Sarabande in D
09-Memories Instrumental
10-Etude 081624
11-I am Lonesome Instrumental

Memories (Lyrics)

Memories from past years till now
Memories unfurl vividly in my mind's eyes
Memories good feelings endow
Memories I remember you and me as time flies

Some are sad, full of cries
Some are sweet, Edelweiss

They remind me of you
You and no one but you
Your soft touch I still feel
Your kiss feels almost real

Memories I cherish them all
Memories pleasantly want me to live again
Memories you were such a doll
Memories de-lights senses as if drinking champagne

Some are sad, full of cries
Some are sweet, Edelweiss

They remind me of you
You and no one but you
Your soft touch I still feel
Your kiss feels almost real

Sofia my Sunday Date -Remix (Lyrics)

When I saw her first, I fell in love at once
I was not her type, unlikely for romance
She was fine and conversed intelligently
I was in awe, I remember distinctly

Getting her phone number, I faced some cumber
She coyly agreed and gave me her number
Later I called to ask her out on a date
Her calendar was full, she thought I'd relate

So-fi-a, So-fi-a
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, my mind thinks only of you!
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, my eyes so much adore you!
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, you are an angel, it's true!
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, I dream when I will kiss you!

One night I dreamed of her and gave her a call
She might have time for me and not make me crawl
Her free day was Sunday, and that would be great
I gladly agreed to be her Sunday date

So-fi-a, So-fi-a
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, my mind thinks only of you
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, my eyes so much adore you
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, you are an angel, it's true
Sofia, Sofia, Sofia, I dream when I will kiss you

I am Such a Fool (Lyrics)

I am such a fool,
Drowning in a pool,
Of bitter tears,
For those lost years,
Since I left you....
God, how much I fear,
Rightfully appear,
In your mind's eyes,
To be all lies,
And never loved you.

That loving feeling,
Yearning feeling,
That makes me feel good,
Makes me feel wished,
Return in dreams,
With you in my arms,
I dream I kiss you,
Dream I hold you,
You caress my face,
With gentle grace,
With ten-der hands, v And whispers in my ears,
Sweet lovely words of bliss.

All I wish is to see you for one more moment,
One more second,
Holding hands,
All I hope is feel you near me, smell your fragrance,
Your kind embrace,
Kiss your lips,
All I want is your forgiveness, your acceptance,
With all my heart,
Baby love.

I am such a fool,
Drowning in a pool,
Of bitter tears,
For those lost years,
Since I left you....

I am Lonesome, Arboregal (Lyrics)

I am lonesome, I am lonely,
I am heartbroken, shameful and guilty,
Because, because I left you,
Because, because I hurt you.

Love is bittersweet,
Sometimes it's a treat,
More times it is harsh,
Deadly as a marsh.

But I must go on,
But I must go on.

I'm cold at night, feelings of fright,
I am desperate, without hope in sight,
Because, because I left you,
Because, because I hurt you.

Love is nice and warm,
Pleasant as art form,
Lost love is so cruel,
I feel like a fool.

But I must go on,
I am lonesome, I am lonely.

In The Lorn Tree, Arboregal (Lyrics)

Up in the tree,
Where we are free,
High in the Lorn Tree,
We all can be,
Happy and free,
Up in our Lorn Tree,
Please come and stay,
Happy to play,
Now is a fun day.

The branches are our home,
Where we are well,
And we are warm,
Safe from monsters below.
The tree gives us shelter,
Where we can live,
Far from devoid,
In a dangerous world.

Hellferata's away,
But she's a nightmare,
You must be aware.
Dracu Mort lies in wait,
To ambush Michelle,
The girl with golden hair.

Come have some fun,
Up near the sun,
Sing with everyone.
Dance all day long,
On this great song,
Stump your feet as one.
Don't stop till dark,
Kick off some bark,
We all have such fun.

The branches are our home,
Where we are well,
And we are warm,
Safe from monsters below.
The tree gives us shelter,
Where we can live,
Far from devoid,
In a dangerous world.

Vampire Vlad V (Song based on the book series "Vampire Vlad V"

***** Books *****

Paranormal Mystery Thrillers

The Devolution of Adam and Eve (TIO Book 2)

Billions of people are losing their minds, devolving into apes. The governments impose worldwide quarantine, while agencies like WHO, CDC, and NIH, among others, rush to identify the pathogen and develop an antidote. But no such pathogen can be identified. It comes from another realm, and the scientists are helpless. Is this a natural occurrence or was it created in a lab by evil minds, intending to exterminate the human race? Claire, Prescott, and Travis are asked to use their paranormal ability to identify the pathogen, find the criminals who developed it, and prevent the Apocalypse. Time is against them, and they have to use all their skills to help the survival of humanity.

The Pregnant Pope (TIO Book 1)

In the year of Satan, 2066, the structure of the physical world is cracking, and inexplicable paranormal forces are interfering with humanity. The Trinity Investigation Organization, or TIO -a paranormal detective society- is the last protection against the demons, evil spirits, fanatical criminals, and sadists who are trying to destroy the world. The 92-year-old Pope is pregnant. Although he hasn't undergone any medical procedures, he carries a human fetus in his abdomen. Is this a case of self- cloning, or is it a mutation? Is this an immaculate conception, or is it Satan's work? Claire, Travis, and Prescott, the members of the Capuchin Trinity Team of TIO, are tasked with uncovering the truth about this unusual case and resolving the mystery of whether the Pope is carrying the new Messiah or the Antichrist, and who did it. Their job is to go beyond the physical world into the mind and the spiritual realm, discover a thousand-year-old connection, perform an exorcism, and fight the devil Zepar, while evading the villains who keep trying to assassinate them.

Sci-Fi Books

SFEROGYLS (Timurud Bk 1)

The gods resurrect Timurud from among the mortals. But, the life of a god is not all heavenly. Timurud must protect weak and powerless civilizations against ferocious galactic empires. His mission is to defend the peaceful Sferogyl society against the Maggotroll Empire, warlike hominids who are determined to enslave the Sferogyls and capture their planet. Even if Timurud is known as the most feared god in the universe, will he be able to defend the peaceful and unarmed Sferogyls against the evil Maggotrolls?

Gold Rush Mystery (Terraspantion Chronicles Book 1)

America is back on the Moon. This time, we intend to stay and establish a self-sustaining permanent base for tourism and mining. Our first lunar base is named Gold Rush. Establishing permanent life on our closest, lifeless neighbor is a challenge. But the challenge turns into a mystery when life finds us first.

Time Hole (Terraspantion Chronicles Book 2)

The Moon has many riches, but mining them is a hazardous affair. Deedee and Arno, two lunar generalists, find perils beyond what they signed up for when traveling on the lunar surface at night . . . on the dark side of the Moon. Time will not be the same after they fall into the Time Hole.

Folding Reality

Experiencing a new reality is just a paper-fold away for Mike the insurance salesman. The problem is, he never knows which "where-when" reality he'll experience. Being crucified, or being gassed at Auschwitz, or marooned in space in a Russian capsule? The bigger problem is, he cannot control when he gets back to normal reality, if there is such thing as normal reality.

Vlad V Collection - The Blue Blood Vampires

Vampire Vlad V Series Book Trailers

Vampire (Vlad V Book 1)

Meeting a vampire isn't something that happens every night, even on the New York City subway. But never in her wildest dreams did Cat ever expect to meet a vampire or survive an encounter with one. Instead, she became his confidant. Why was she so lucky?

R.I.P.: The Death of an Old Vampire (Vlad V Book 2)

Cat Sanders becomes the heiress of her vampire great-great-grandfather, Vlad V Draculesti. Vlad is dying because of an incident that happened decades ago. Now, all he wants is to die in peace. Unfortunately for Vlad V, the US intelligence agencies are suspicious as of his entity, and open an investigation to find out who is this man who has lived for centuries? Homeland Security Agent John Miller, working on the case, knows that Vlad V is a vampire, and he blackmails him for billions of dollars not to divulge the secret to the authorities. Cat and Vlad's three vampire friends - Francois, Angelique, and Mundibuto - come to his aid to foil the intelligence agencies' plans, and eliminate the corrupt federal agent's threat. Will they be successful, or will Vlad be discovered for who he is, and die in a Federal research laboratory?

Vampire Slayers: Dead slayers tell no tales (Vlad V Book 3)

When Cat Sanders' vampire great-great-grandfather, Vlad V Draculesti, bequeaths his fortune to her, she thinks the worst of her problems would be dealing with unscrupulous lawyers, greedy financiers and bankers, Wall Street shysters, corrupt politicians, devious conmen, and depraved socialites. Instead, her nemesis, Veronica Seyler, allied with a vampire-slayer drug cult, demands extortion money or she would be killed. Unlike Vlad V, Cat is not a vampire and her life is in danger. Luckily, her vampire friend, Angelique, comes to her aid. But the cult is more cunning and dangerous than even her vampire friend could handle. Would Cat and Angelique the vampire be able to come out of this alive even if Cat pays the ransom?

Vampires of Transylvania: Pray that you won't become their prey. (Vlad V Book 4)

Cat Sanders has a simple task: spread Vlad V Draculesti's ashes in Transylvania at midnight, during full moon. But it won't be that simple. Vlad V, and Vlad the Impaler's old vampire enemies abduct her and her Romanian friend, Dr. Tudor Lupu. While in captivity they discover the Vampire Queen's proto-vampire and zombie army, which are held in hibernation to be used for mayhem and destruction whenever the queen so wishes. She and Dr. Tudor might not be allowed to see the light of day again. Cat's only hope for rescue is her vampire friend, Mundibuto, who is presently in Transylvania. Will they be able to escape from the blood sucking proto- vampires, and flesh-eating zombies, or become zombies themselves?

The Queen of Vampires: A New Queen Arises (Vlad V Book 5)

In Transylvania, Cat Sanders and her friends, Dr. Tudor Lupu and Mundibuto the vampire have destroyed the army of proto-vampires and zombies belonging to the Queen of Vampires, Eleonore von Schwarzenberg. The Queen will not forgive or forget Cat's wrongdoing. Nor will she be lenient toward Dr. Tudor Lupu and Cat's vampire friends Angelique, Francois, and Mundibuto. The Queen's revenge will be swift, painful, and deadly. Cat and her friends are in grave danger. Will they be able to avoid her wrath and survive?

Middle grade and YA Fantasy and Science-Fiction

Coming Soon: Arboregal, the Cascade Tree

Arboregal, the Lorn Tree

An experiment causes four young Americans, Nathan, Perry, Melissa, and Michelle to appear in a strange and desolate world. Trees as large as mountains, scattered across the land like oases, support all life, safe from the monsters that patrol the night fog on the ground. Races of people living in medieval societies populate the giant trees. Known as the Lorns in this particular tree, they welcome the four kids into their world - until Hellferata, the evil spirit descendent of Medusa, intrudes upon their beloved tree, and sends Dracu Mort to kill one of the heroes.

Art and Music from Arboregal Book Trailer

Coloring Book

Abstract Dreams: Coloring Book 1 (Sandru's Art)

Reward your soul with the smooth and pleasing lines of Abstract Dreams


Freedom Trumps Socialism

How the Democrat Party is Using Hitler's Playbook to Make America Socialist

Do you fear expressing your political views? Why Socialism destroyed every country it governed? Why is Socialism appealing? How Socialist is the United States of America? How to prevent Socialism? Who is responsible for the upcoming demise of America? Who created the WOKE Zombies? What is the World Great Reset? What is Socialism, or Communism, and what the future holds for America? Why the Critical Race Theory is racist and demeaning to the black race? Why do they want the police defunded? Who are the Fascists in America? Why are the white men regarded as the Jews in Nazi-Germany? Why is Communist China a Fascist country? Who were and are the American Socialist Presidents? Should we pay reparations to the blacks? What are the BLM demands? Who is Antifa?

Hitler Was A Socialist

A comparison of NAZI-Socialism, Communism, Socialism, and the United States

We associate Fascism with NAZI and Adolf Hitler. Wrong! Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Worker’s Party, NAZI, was a Socialist party. Then who told us that Hitler and the NAZI were Fascist? Joseph Stalin, the mass murderer of the USSR said so. And the rest of the world obeyed. It is time to uncover the truth. Adolf Hitler was a monster, a Socialist monster, as all Socialists are. The facts are out there in plain sight, but the Marxist Academia and media will not consider talking about the truth, least it would tarnish the “good” reputation of the Communism-Socialism, which killed 200 million people worldwide. Socialism, we must fear, not fascism.

Escape from Communism

A true story and commentary

Truly free people can never be enslaved

Life under communism is cruel and inhumane. Commit the smallest political infraction, and the secret police will arrest you. The only ray of hope is the West, but getting out from communism is difficult. Communist countries have a "Berlin Wall" around them. It is a crime to escape by crossing the border illegally, and anyone caught is beaten and imprisoned, sometimes even shot. I was eighteen, and I was living in hell. However, I would rather have died than keep living as a communist slave. This is my story of what happened and how I reached freedom.

I'd like to hear from you. Please e-mail me at mit @ sandru dot com